3 Kinds of Friends You Will Meet in Life

3 Kinds of Friends You Will Meet in Life

    People come and go. You might figure out that others are still by your side through the years, while some faded away along the way. Friendship is one of our self-actualization needs. It belongs in the Love and Belonging aspect of Maslow's hierarchy of human necessity. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher from Stagira, defined friendship in different ways. In his Book VIII of Nicomachean Ethics, there are three types of it depending on the purpose of establishing the social connection. 

1. Friendship of Utility (Reason)

    It is the most superficial type. You often meet this kind of friend due to the benefits that both of you will receive. Give-and-take relationship is the foundation of your connection. This kind of friendship is solely established based on what you gain from each other. It seems to be a purposeful but not strong bond. As well, it can be easily broken and don't last for years. This kind of friendship is present in business partners, colleagues, and schoolmates.

2. Friendship of Pleasure (Season)

    You often find this friend because you share and enjoy common hobbies and activities. It is also called the "activity buddies." You enjoy the company of each other since you are in the same sphere of your likes. This relationship does not grow because when an individual is no longer pleasant to the other, their friendship ends. Sporting teams and organizations present this kind of company. Like the first one, this can be easily broken and does not last for a lifetime. 

3. Friendship of the Good (Perfect) 

    This friendship is rare to find and slow to develop. Unlike the two, this type lasts forever. This friend is with you throughout the years, in good and bad times. S/he supports and respects your decisions, tell valuable bits of advice, listens to your story, and helps you reach your goal. This friend is your shoulder to lean and cry on. S/he will tell you what you need and not what you want to hear. Each individual in this friendship receives mutual love and wish well of each other. If you have this kind of companion, your life is undoubtedly more meaningful.

3 Kinds of Friends You Will Meet in Life

    In different phases of your life, you will meet thousands of people. By chance or by choice, you will build connections with them for various purposes. Some stay for a season. Others only stay due to personal reasons. Only a few stay eternally. Whatever they will be, they have something to share in your life. Go and make some friends! 


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