A Farewell to My Teenage Years

Farewell to My Teenage Years
Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky from Pexels

   When I was 11, I can fully remember my eagerness to enter teenage life. The perks of being a teenager excite and energize my curious heart. But this year, I reached the final chapter of my youthful story. The tale of the enthusiastic and adventurous teen is on its final stretch. Time flew so quickly. 

   Teenage years have been full of firsts. It's been a while since I am first allowed to ride on a roller coaster on the theme park because I'm 12. It is still fresh when my parents permitted me to go out with my friends and go to movies without supervision. The time when my tongue savor the chill of liquor also happened first before my 20s. There are also group messages with several hashtags, Friendster, the first crush, first love, and first heartbreak. Those eight consecutive years have been a roller coaster ride for me. I realized that life has something unique to offer besides toys and coloring books. I feel that I am human.

   But this year it's different. The next birthday cake on the table will have that "Happy 20th Birthday" greetings. Adulthood hunts my young ego to be ready for what life will offer in the forthcoming years. I am not yet prepared. I am perplexed. I am scared that life will strike me with the fact that existence isn't a game to play and say "time first" to rest. It is not a childhood problem of picking the right crayons for that man's clothes in the coloring book. Somewhat, it is a labyrinth of decision. All my choices now are either all or nothing. 

   Approaching the 20s is tough. From now on, I need to take things seriously. But do you know what makes me feel the same excitement that I felt on my 11? It's the opportunities that life will open. New milestones will unfold. Another leap will take towards my future. I must move on, but I will not step ahead without gratitude to my teenage years. As I bid goodbye, youthful memories, vivid stories, and moments will forever stay in my heart. Farewell to the good old days. 


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