Maybe It's Worth a Second Try!

Maybe, It's Worth a Second Try
Photo by Keegan Houser from Pexels

    Failures always shadow my attempts on things. Whenever I put effort to the best of my extent, it always ends up short. It is truly heartbreaking when you are into something, you put your heart into it, and then, it is one step behind.   I keep on thinking whether the problem is on me or in the society's standard of success. 

    Trying over again seems to be frustrating and tiring. You are caged in the chain of doubts and hesitations. The idea of failure always demands itself to your picture of success. At first, you are optimistic that things will be all right. Detailed preparations are observed and practiced. However, there are times that life isn't always generous. Life seems to be unfair and cruel. Questions keep running on your mind and asking, "What things I have done wrong?" 

    During this downfall and self-hatred, I want you to look closely at yourself. Sometimes, you overlook mistakes in your actions or your idea of victory. So, introspect all the courses of actions you've made and go back to your reason for doing that thing. Dig down to your purpose. Acknowledge that maybe, you need to be more prepared and equipped to reach that milestone. Shortcomings are just developing you for a bigger world of triumph. If you think your success in it is worth fighting for, then maybe, it's worth a second try!


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