Speaking Up Can Change Someone's Life

Speaking Up Can Change Someone's Life

   Speaking is very natural to every individual living in this world. It is wonderful that we are given a chance to say what we want to say. But why is it always hard for me to voice out what my mind speaks? That it is better to stay quiet so no one will know what you want to say, and no one will judge your opinion. There is a doubt that 'what if it shouldn't be heard?'

   There are times that silence is a wiser choice in the thinking that it would less hurt anyone's feelings. It would be better to shut your mouth and set aside your feelings than to burst out words that can make the situation worse. But what is the assurance that it won't make the situation worse? In this world full of criticism, when you speak up, they will point out what actions did you contributed to having the power to raise your opinion. They will judge you, not knowing what your intentions are. Instead, they will conclude that you only want the attention of doing that action. I admire those individuals who have the confidence to express themselves and talk with intelligence and sincerity. 

  Rather than keeping silent, you should learn when to speak and what to speak. Utilize your voice to influence others to speak as well. Fight for your stand if you know it is right and let your words linger in their ears. Be the voice of those individuals who may not be heard. Don't let the fear of other's opinions stop you from speaking and focus on those people who support and understand your decisions. Silence may somehow avoid conflicts but speaking up can change someone's life who deserves your words. It is time to unmute yourself and let them turn the volume on to hear from you!


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