Starting Today, I Won't Be Hard On Me

Starting Today, I Won't Be Hard On Me

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

    Starting today, I won't be hard on me. I forgive myself for procrastinating school works. For all the wasted time that instead of finishing important tasks, I ended up browsing my socials, watching videos, playing games, and laying in the bed doing nothing. It's just that sometimes, I seek an outlet to feel life outside the school, forgetting my priorities.

    Starting today, I won't be hard on me. I forgive myself for my hard-headedness. I give pardon on my naive decisions and unreasonable choices. Sorry for all the broken rules and promises. For all the harsh words I speak. For choosing myself at times. It's just that sometimes, my mind is chaotic on the point that I can't even understand myself.  

    Starting today, I won't be hard on me. I forgive myself for all the shattered hopes and dreams because of doubts. For all the stepbacks and 'what ifs' because I let my weaknesses limit my goals. For the times I hide in the box, staying in my comfort zone. For tearful nights keeping the pain all by myself. For self-criticisms, failed relationships, and insecurities. For cutting people and relationships in life. It's just that, sometimes, I fear the unknown and feeling of failure. 

    Starting today, I let go. I will throw the baggage of my faulty judgments, indecisiveness, and negligence that settled up in regrets. The past already buried those moments. From now on, I am pushing my self to be motivated and driven. I am training my mind for sound decision-making and positive outlook. I am on the process of facing my fears and focusing on my strengths. It's just that being hard on myself does not make me perfect. I am human, and I am a work in progress.


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