This Year, I Almost Forget the Feeling of Happiness


    This year, I almost forget the feeling of happiness that I found in school. I momentarily experienced the school environment. I miss the laughter and personal chitchat with my friends on the campus. I miss the pressure of meeting task deadlines and celebrating when I passed it on time. I wish that I could be able to bear with my terror professor once again and run to my room without getting late. I hope that when things fall back into place, I could be able to walk again on the campus corridors and feel the excitement of going to classes.

    This year, I almost forget the feeling of happiness that I found from traveling. I momentarily experienced traveling places. I miss the tiredness and body pain I got from a long drive. I miss indulging my eyes with beautiful sceneries from various towns. I miss the value of conversations with my family and friends while on the trip to our destination. I wish I could click my camera once again, taking photos and documenting our travel moments. I hope that when things fall back into place, I could be able to discover other cities and feel the excitement of having a worthful journey once again.

    This year, I almost forget the feeling of happiness that I found in sports. I momentarily experienced entering the court wearing a jersey and my playing shoes. I miss the sweat running through my face as the game heats up. I miss the feeling of self-satisfaction after scoring points. I miss the opportunity of meeting new friends who share the same interest in sports like mine. I miss the loud cheerings from the crowd. Now, I barely recognize the feeling of win and defeat. I hope that when things fall back into place, I could be able to enter the court again and feel the passion for the sports that I love.

    This year, I almost forget the feeling of happiness that I found with my friends. I momentarily experienced the personal companionship of my comrades. I miss our shared jokes, food, and genuine conversations at our favorite coffee shop. I miss the hugs, high-fives, and kisses whenever we see each other. I long to personally hear their voices and stories. I miss their company. I hope that when things fall back into place, I could be able to share a part of me with them personally once again and feel the assurance of having a shoulder to cry on besides my family.

    This year, I almost forget the feeling of happiness that I found outside. This deprivation gives me to uncover happiness from the places I do not put attention before. Outside the walls of the classroom, I now learn to put attention to other sources for learning. Outside the court and gym, I find new places to keep my body physically fit and healthy. I find happiness with the company of my family at home. Talking with them fills my heart with joy and love. I also find merriment within myself. Staying at home gives me a chance to enjoy my own company. I develop my self-worth and self-love more than before. I hope that when things fall back into place, I could be able to experience life again at its fullest. When that moment comes, I promise myself that I will not take things for granted anymore. 


  1. Yes, this year was full of horrific news...

    1. Like a nightmare right? But, life must go on! Keep dreaming, keep growing!


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